Librarything and

Eoin Purcell

I was a slow convert to the idea of LibraryThing using the collective data of all its users but in my conversion I think I may have veered towards zealotry. That may be why I think this is an excellent idea. From the Thonology blog post:

The product is called My Discoveries. Basically, it gives AquaBrowser a series of desirable social features, like tagging, list-making, ratings and reviews—and not in some half-assed way either. LibraryThing comes in as a way to kick off the tag data (a 21-million-tags kick) and to add recommendations to it. My Discovery customers who choose to go with LibraryThing data will be able to see both LibraryThing’s as well as their own patron’s efforts.

Putting tags and recommendations in AquaBrowser is a natural step. LibraryThing for Libraries is showing what LibraryThing can do to a library catalog and more generally the importance of having large amounts of data to help “social” features reach their full potential.

Sounds cool does it not? Links to AquabrowserLibrary and My Discoveries.

My LibraryThing zealotry might also be why I think of as an also ran or one trick pony. I said it before but there is just too little in this to hold my attention. Still I could be wrong,I have been often enough before that I’d almost bet against myself on it.

The Postal Service anyone? Yes please!

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